
Our Story

Garry - Executive Producer `Being in the right place at the right time and spotting an opportunity is really how this journey began’.

911 Racer Productions is a small team of passionate, like-minded enthusiasts. A varied team who happened to be involved in technology, TV/film production and the sale and restoration of classic road and race Porsche cars. A perfect combination you may think, well it certainly gave us a leg up. All parties contributed their time and expertise to bring you this film, which we hope you enjoy.

Our journey began in the winter of 2008, a simple idea `Let’s make a film about the legend that is the Porsche 911 RSR’. We are talking specifically about the normally aspirated cars of the Seventies.

This is a period in time when the iconic Porsche 911 developed into an even more powerful force on the race tracks around Europe and over the pond in the USA. Today, the RSR is recognised as one of the most successful and enduring race 911’s of its generation.

934/935 911 Racer Productions are in the process of filming our next production - this time it’s all about the turbo era, the incredible Porsche 934 and 935, when horsepower went crazy!
911 Racer Productions | Agatha Christie
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Agatha Christie


Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate.

— Agatha Christie

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Creating a blog is easy. Just choose one of the available blog templates for your blog page. You can combine various types of blog lists with a sidebar. Populate the sidebar with a collection of useful widgets.

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AUTHOR: 911racers
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